2022年6月22日 星期三

天然宇宙神韻形狀 Natural Cosmic Charming Shape


Natural Cosmic Charming Shape



極為罕見稀少的「外太空外星隕石 」(形似人類「元寶」形狀)。


此隕石具備「球粒石隕石 Chondrite Aerolite (a stony meteorite)」應有的隕石氣印 (拇指印)、深黑色隕石熔殼、隕石熔流微細線、隕石的高比重密度 3.44、球粒石隕石會稍微吸引磁鐵的磁性、表面上可見些許鎳鐵球粒 (銀白色顆粒)、球粒石隕石具有的球粒、球粒石隕石斷面或表面上都能看到金屬銀白色的顆粒斑點。

重量:62 grams 公克

尺寸:長 5.2 x 寬 2.5 x 高 3.6 cm 公分


地球普通岩石的密度為 2.5 - 3.0

鐵礦石的密度 4.0 - 6.0

鐵隕石的密度是 7.0 - 8.0

大多數隕石是由重礦物組成,密度為 3.0 - 8.0

石隕石密度 3 - 3.5

普通隕石的密度是 3.0 - 3.7

月球隕石的密度是 2.7 - 3.8


石鐵隕石的鐵鎳金屬含量在30% - 65%之間;



「石隕石」分為「球粒隕石」 (占大部分) 與「非球粒隕石」兩個子類。


球粒隕石 (Chondrite) 是行星母體未經過熔融或行星分化,而未被改變的石隕石。

球粒隕石是由原始太陽系中存在的塵埃和砂石粒子吸積形成的,並且在超過 45.5 億年前產生了小行星。這些球粒隕石的小行星母體是 (或曾經是) 中小型的小行星,它們是從未曾大到可以進行熔融和行星分化的太陽系小天體的一部分。



價格:新台幣 180 萬元 US$ 60,000 Dollars

重量:62 公克


2022 年 5 月份全球觀眾: 2,729 總觀看次數及2,868 總觀看時間 (分鐘)


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擁有 48,000 名全球會員的臉書公共社群網站 'Fine Art to sell':



Natural Cosmic Charming Shape

Natural Charming and Amazing Work of Art by the Universe

An extremely rare extraterrestrial Alien stone meteorite of the outer space (shaped like a human "Ingot [Yuanbao]").

On Earth never has it been found in the past and will not be found in the future.

This meteorite has the features of meteorite regmaglypts (thumbprints), dark black meteorite fusion crust, tiny meteorite fusion flow lines, high specific gravity density of meteorite 3.44, and the magnetic characteristic to attract magnet slightly by a chondrite meteorite. There are some nickel-iron chondrules (silver-white particles) on the surface, chondrules of chondrite stony meteorite, and metallic silver-white particle spots of chondrite stony meteorite being seen on the section or the surface, even on the surface of this meteorite.

Weight: 62 grams

Dimensions: Length 5.2 x Width 2.5 x Height 3.6 cm

Specific Gravity Density: 3.44

The average Specific Gravity Density of Earth's rock: 2.5 - 3.0

The Specific Gravity Density of iron ore: 4.0 - 6.0

The Specific Gravity Density of iron meteorite: 7.0 - 8.0

Most meteorites are composed of heavy minerals and have a Specific Gravity Density of 3.0 - 8.0

The Specific Gravity Density of Stone Meteorite: 3 - 3.5

The Specific Gravity Density of normal meteorites: 3.0 - 3.7

The Specific Gravity Density of lunar meteorites: 2.7 - 3.8

The iron-nickel metal content of stony meteorites is less than or equal to 30%;

The iron-nickel metal content of stony-iron meteorites is between 30% and 65%;

The iron-nickel metal content of iron meteorites is greater than or equal to 95%.

Glass meteorites do not contain metallic components.

"Stony meteorite" is divided into "chondrite" (mostly) and "achondrite", two sub-categories.

Stony meteorites are debris from other celestial bodies in the solar system other than Earth, most of which come from asteroids located between Mars and Jupiter.

Chondrites are stony meteorites whose celestial parent bodies have not been melted or differentiated, and without changing.

Chondrites were formed by the accretion of dust and sand particles that existed in the original solar system and produced asteroids more than 4.55 billion years ago. The asteroid parent bodies of these chondrites are (or were) small to medium-sized asteroids, that were part of small solar system bodies, that were never large enough to undergo melting and planetary differentiation.

One of their characteristics is the presence of chondrules, which are circular grains of different minerals, and typically make up 20 to 80 percent of the volume of the chondrite. Their spherulites are generally between 0.5 and 1 mm in diameter.

The metal particles in chondrites are mainly iron and nickel, and the presence of nickel is also a common indicator for determining whether a stone is a meteorite.

Price: NT$ 1.8 million, US$ 60,000 Dollars

Weight: 62 grams


Global audience in May 2022: 2,729 total views and 2,868 total watch time (minutes)



Facebook Public Group 'Fine Art to sell' that has 48,000 global members:



