2015年7月1日 星期三

張大千作以爰翁簽名之四幅重彩潑彩山水圖 Four Heavy Splashed Color Landscape Paintings by Zhang Daqian with sigature Yuan Weng

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張大千作以爰翁簽名之四幅重彩潑彩山水圖 Four Heavy Splashed Color Landscape Paintings by Zhang Daqian with sigature Yuan Weng 

(1) 張大千1967年作五亭湖上山居潑彩山水圖
      Dwelling in the Mountain by the Lake Wuting by Zhang Daqian dated 1967

大小尺寸︰高 64 x 寬 70 cm (約 4.11 平尺、4.97 才)

1953年, 張大千移居巴西, 在巴西聖保羅市購地150畝, 成立中國式莊園 "八德園", 山旁建有一湖, 其上設有五個亭子, 張大千親自稱之為 "五亭湖". 此 "五亭湖上山居潑彩山水圖" 即為張大千於1967年在巴西 "八德園" 所作.

Splashed ink and color on silk, mounted and framed, signed YUAN WENG, inscribed WRITTEN AT LAKE WUTING IN AUTUMN OF YEAR 1967, with two seals of the artist.

Size: H 64 x W 70 cm

In 1953 Zhang Daqian moved to Brazil. In Sao Paulo City he purchased 150 acres of land to build a Chinese manor house called "Bade Yuan". In this manor, there was a lake with five pavilions located at the mountain by the lake. So this lake was named "Wuting (Five Pavilions)" by Zhang Daqian personally. This painting was made by Zhang Daqian at manor house "Bade Yuan" in Sao Paulo City Brazil in 1967.

(2) 張大千摩耶精舍作春雲曉靄潑彩山水圖
      Spring Cloud and Morning Mist Splashed Landscape Painting by Zhang Daqian at MOYEJINGSHE

題識簽名︰爰翁 (張大千以金泥簽名)
大小尺寸︰高 48 x 寬 55 cm(約 2.42 平尺、2﹒93 才)

Splashed ink and color on silk, mounted, signed YUAN WENG, with two seals of the artist.

(3) 張大千1965年作潑彩山水圖(藏於美國紐約大都會藝術博物館, 新增書畫編號︰1986.267.361, 1986年由美國大收藏家 Mr. Robert Hatfield Ellsworth 所捐贈)
    The Splashed Color Landscape painting by Zhang Daqian collected in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, U.S.A.. (Museum number: 1986.267.361 donated by an American collector Mr. Robert Hatfield Ellsworth in 1986)

大小尺寸︰高 60.3 x 寬 95.9 cm (約 5.31平尺、6.42才)
Size: H 60.3 x W 95.9 cm

(4) 2015年6月12日中國上海拾得珍寶張大千長女心瑞藏品展张大千1975年作晚山
    Evening Mountain Splashed Landscape Painting by Zhang Daqian dated 1975 exhibited in the artist's eldest daughter Zhang Xinrui collection at Shanghai China on Jun. 12th 2015

張大千1967年作五亭湖上山居潑彩山水圖 vs. 2014年9月5日至11月23日臺北國立歷史博物館兩岸張大千辭世三十週年紀念展1960年代爰翁簽名比對
Dwelling in the Mountain by the Lake Wuting by Zhang Daqian dated 1967 vs. Yuan Weng signatures by Zhang Daqian in 1960s exhibited at the artist's 30th year after death anniversary exhibition of Zhang Daqian paintings collected in both China and Taiwan held in the Taipei National Museum of History from Sep. 5th 2014 to Nov. 23th 2014

張大千摩耶精舍作春雲曉靄潑彩山水圖 vs. 2014年9月5日至11月23日臺北國立歷史博物館兩岸張大千辭世三十週年紀念展1970年代爰翁簽名比對
Spring Cloud and Morning Mist Splashed Landscape Painting by Zhang Daqian at MOYEJINGSHE vs. Yuan Weng signatures by Zhang Daqian in 1970s exhibited at the artist's 30th year after death anniversary exhibition of Zhang Daqian paintings collected in both China and Taiwan held in the Taipei National Museum of History from Sep. 5th 2014 to Nov. 23th 2014

張大千1967年作五亭湖上山居潑彩山水圖 vs. 2015年6月12日中國上海拾得珍寶張大千長女心瑞藏品展张大千1975年作晚山
Dwelling in the Mountain by the Lake Wuting by Zhang Daqian dated 1967 vs. Evening Mountain Splashed Landscape Painting by Zhang Daqian dated 1975 exhibited in the artist's eldest daughter Zhang Xinrui collection at Shanghai China on Jun. 12th 2015

張大千摩耶精舍作春雲曉靄潑彩山水圖 vs. 2015年6月12日中國上海拾得珍寶張大千長女心瑞藏品展张大千1975年作晚山
Spring Cloud and Morning Mist Splashed Landscape Painting by Zhang Daqian at MOYEJINGSHE vs. Evening Mountain Splashed Landscape Painting by Zhang Daqian dated 1975 exhibited in the artist's eldest daughter Zhang Xinrui collection at Shanghai China on Jun. 12th 2015

Scientific Analysis of 
Four Heavy Splashed Color Landscape Paintings by Zhang Daqian with sigature Yuan Weng 

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