2014年8月11日 星期一

Red Lotus by Zhang Daqian in 1940s 張大千1940年代作紅妝步障工筆鈎金紅荷花圖

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Red Lotus by Zhang Daqian in 1940s

世上罕見「作者修改詩句」書畫精品!A Rare "Poem Amending Painting" in the World!
Size: H 173 x W 84.5 cm ( Frame Size: H 220 x W 132 cm )
Year: 1940s

Ink and color on paper, mounted and framed, signed DAQIAN ZHANG YUAN, inscribed, with 3 seals of the artist.

題識簽名︰ 畫舸無恩別浦長,綠雲十里暗紅妝;西風一夜涼如許,從此西風夜夜涼。
三式鈐印︰ 張爰印、大千居士、春長好。
大小尺寸︰ 高 173 cm x 寬 84.5 cm 約 13.42 平尺 16.24 才
媒體形制︰ 直幅設色紙本鏡框 (鏡框尺寸︰高 220 cm x 寬 132 cm)

張大千1940年代作紅妝步障工筆鈎金紅荷花圖  鑑定意見書
Red Lotus by Zhang Daqian in 1940s  Authentication Opinions

1、此幅作品張大千之簽名筆跡、使用鈐印與張大千於1940s 年代作品吻合。
此幅作品作者張大千之“大千張爰”簽名筆跡與北京保利國際拍賣有限公司 2014 年 6 月 3 日春季拍賣會融古開今京津名家書畫專場圖錄 Lot 2103 張大千 1935 年作行書七言詩書法(楊虎城將軍上款並由楊虎城將軍家屬提供)之“大千張爰”簽名筆跡完全相同。

The signed signature, handwriting styles, and stamped seals of this work of art match those on the works of art by Zhang Daqian in 1940s.

The signed signature “Daqian Zhang Yuan” of the artist Zhang Daqian of this work of art is the same as that signed in the Seven Character calligraphy by Zhang Daqian dated 1935, that was dedicated to General Yang Hucheng with the provenance of the family of General Yang Hucheng, and auctioned off at the 2014 Spring Auction Lot. 2103 of Beijing Poly Auction Company on June 3rd 2014.

2、此幅作品之用紙柔和無火氣逼人之感覺,為1940s 年代用紙。
The paper of this work of art is gentle without the feeling of brightly and newly made white and should be used in 1940s.

The ink and color pigments of this work of art have the old marks since 1940s.

The artist changed the third sentence of the poem in the inscription from one to another. This means that the artist had both the creations of painting and poem writing. In practical authentication knowledge, this work of art must have been done by the artist “TRULY”. This work of art is a rare "Poem Amending Painting" in the world!

This work of art was outlined together with delicate drawings of thorns on lotus stems with ink, then painted red lotus flowers with cinnabar and outlined with gold mud. Most of all this work of art was painted by tall and standing upright lotus stems and various deep or light same-colored lotus leaves in different layouts with green mineral pigments, accompanying by some mud stains on lotus leaves. The whole work of art is archaistic, elegant and graceful. Up to the present only Zhang Daqian had this painting technique since 1940s in this world.

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#4 http://art-3000.com/artist/orionandhsu/
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