2014年2月11日 星期二

于右任書般若波羅蜜多心經真假比對圖 The True and Fake calligraphy Buddhist sutras of the heart of prajna by Yu Youren 小心! 別當下一個藝術仿冒品受害者! Be Careful! Don’t be the next Fake Art Victim!

小心! 別當下一個藝術仿冒品受害者!
Be Careful! Don’t be the next Fake Art Victim!

于右任書般若波羅蜜多心經真假比對圖 The True and Fake calligraphy Buddhist sutras of the heart of prajna by Yu Youren

#1 圖為中華民國國民政府第3任監察院院長 (1930 - 1948) 及中華民國第1任監察院院長 (1948 - 1964) 于右任先生1953年作贈監察委員陶百川先生之般若波羅蜜多心經行草書法手卷(高 35 x 寬 135 cm)的手寫真跡。
#1 Hand-scroll Calligraphy (H 35 x W 135 cm) was the Buddhist sutra of the heart of prajna authentically written by the 3rd Minister of Control Yuen of China National Government (1930 - 1948) and the 1st Minister of Control Yuen of Republic of China (1948 - 1964) Mr. Yu Youren to his member of Control Yuen Mr. Tao Baichuan in 1953. 

#2 圖為于右任先生作般若波羅蜜多心經草書六屏立轴(高 132 x 寬 33 cm x 6 幅 2013年5月12日中国嘉德国际拍卖有限公司 2013 年春季拍卖会中国近现代书画(二)LOT号︰*1079 成交价︰RMB 1,840,000元)。
#2 Six-scrolls Calligraphy was the Buddhist sutra of the heart of prajna by Yu Youren (H 132 x W 33 cm x 6 scrolls sold RMB 1,840,000 at 2013 Spring Auction Lot. *1079 China Guardian Auctions Co., Ltd Beijing China on May 12th, 2013.).

#3 圖為出現在全球市場上另幅與 #2 圖為行行句句內容完全相同印製之于右任先生作般若波羅蜜多心經草書六屏立轴(高 121.2 x 寬 37.5 cm x 6 幅  賣價為RMB 1,200,000元至RMB 1,500,000元等)。
#3 Six-scrolls Calligraphy was another same re-edited row by row as #2 Six-scrolls Calligraphy Buddhist sutra of the heart of prajna by Yu Youren (H 121.2 x W 37.5 cm x 6 scrolls with price from RMB 1,200,000 to RMB 1,500,000.) appeared in the world art market.

#4 圖為于右任先生1953年作般若波羅蜜多心经草书手卷 (高 32 x 寬 260 cm 2009年12月19日中国嘉德国际拍卖有限公司嘉德四季第二十期拍卖会中国书画(一)LOT号: 0071 成交价︰RMB 302,400元)。
#4 Hand-scroll Calligraphy was the Buddhist sutra of the heart of prajna by Yu Youren (H 32 x W 260 cm sold RMB 302,400 at 2009 Four Seasons 20th Season Auction Lot. 0071 China Guardian Auctions Co., Ltd Beijing China on Dec. 19th, 2009.).

#5 圖為出現在全球市場上另幅與 #4 圖為重新排版後字字內容完全相同印製之于右任先生1953年作般若波羅蜜多心经草书手卷 (高 44.5 x 寬 181.5 cm  賣價為RMB 700,000元至RMB 720,000元等)。
#5 Hand-scroll Calligraphy was another same re-edited character by character as #4 Hand-scroll Calligraphy Buddhist sutra of the heart of prajna by Yu Youren (H 44.5 x W 181.5 cm with price from RMB 700,000 to RMB 720,000.) appeared in the world art market.

Can you indentify an authentically written calligraphy from a fake printed matter for sure?

Taiwan Web Museum
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歡迎辨識您的中國書畫及藝術品! 我們的協助是免費的!

Mr. Orion Hsu & Brothers (徐氏兄弟珍藏文物)
Private Museum preparatory office

#1 orionandhsu@yahoo.com.tw
#2 orionandhsu@gmail.com

#1 http://orionwebmuseum.blogspot.com
#2 http://taiwanwebmuseum.blogspot.com
#3 http://orionandhsu.blogspot.com
#4 http://art-3000.com/artist/orionandhsu/
#5 http://blog.udn.com/taiwanwebmuseum/article
#6 http://www.flickr.com/photos/orionmuseum/

